When it's time to move a parent or spouse to assisted living everybody wants to help you, your friends, other family members, people you work with and other health providers you may come in contact with.
They give you the name of this place or that place and tell you they have heard that this assisted living is good but the truth is they probably don't know all of the facts about your situation. Chances are they don't know if the place they are referring you to has an available room or apartment. Without knowing what your family can afford they may not know if the assisted living community they are sending you to meets their financial needs. And let's face it you don't want to have to share that information with everybody either. You may be bombarded with so much information that you feel overwhelmed and simply don't know where to begin.
A Local ElderCare Advisor will pay attention to and assess all of your needs, physical and mental needs of the person who needs placement as well as the financial and geographical needs of the whole family. All information will be held in strict confidence. A referral to a few properties that meet your needs will save you a lot of time and a ton of stress. You will be able to focus your time and energy on taking care of your loved one until a placement can be secured. Your adviser will be able to help you with other issues that may arise and can connect you with people who can help from Elder Care Attorney's, Financial Planners and even Senior Move Manager's to help you coordinate and plan every step of the move.
This will not be the end of your relationship with your Eldercare Adviser however. A good adviser will continue to follow you after placement to help you and your parent or spouse settle into your new life. The transition may have a few bumps along the way and it is good to have an outside party help to smooth the way for you.
The best thing is this service is no charge to the family! Why would you even try to do this on your own?
Contact Kathryn today for a complimentary consultation in the Houston, Texas Area