You are responsible for helping your aging parent find a suitable assisted living community in the Houston, Texas area.
If you have started your search chances are you are feeling a bit overwhelmed...okay a LOT overwhelmed!
There are a lot of choices and the cost is way more than you thought it would be.You may be worried that your parent may outlive their finances.
Something has to be done! You get that. They can no longer care for themselves by themselves and though you would like to be there all the time for them there are just so many hours in a day. You are part of the sandwich generation, caught between caring for an elderly parent and caring for your own children. You are probably holding down a job on top of all of these other responsibilities.
What if there are other options that you were not aware of for your aging parent? The good news is there are a lot of options in senior care today and there may even be some financing options you have not considered. Get the help you need from a Geriatric Care Manager and discover options other than traditional assisted living.
If you are looking for senior care help in the Houston area visit FindHoustonSeniorCare
If you have started your search chances are you are feeling a bit overwhelmed...okay a LOT overwhelmed!
There are a lot of choices and the cost is way more than you thought it would be.You may be worried that your parent may outlive their finances.
Something has to be done! You get that. They can no longer care for themselves by themselves and though you would like to be there all the time for them there are just so many hours in a day. You are part of the sandwich generation, caught between caring for an elderly parent and caring for your own children. You are probably holding down a job on top of all of these other responsibilities.
What if there are other options that you were not aware of for your aging parent? The good news is there are a lot of options in senior care today and there may even be some financing options you have not considered. Get the help you need from a Geriatric Care Manager and discover options other than traditional assisted living.
If you are looking for senior care help in the Houston area visit FindHoustonSeniorCare