I know many of you are cringing. It isn't that I don't like the holidays and I certainly enjoy other peoples decorations, I simply do not like decorating my house and then having to take everything down in another month or two.
Like many of you I have a lot on my plate. I run my own business and my husband and I are the primary caregivers for his mom who is 87. There isn't a lot of extra time when you are caring for an aging parent! Several years back I decided to let go of the things I didn't like to do and embrace the things I enjoy.
So out the window with decorating!! No tree, no wreath and a whole lot less stress! I kept the holiday baking because to me that part is fun. But Thanksgiving Dinner- we are going out this year. Yes I will miss some of those favorites but I won't miss the stress. Embrace the things you like to do and let go of the rest! It's okay to say No! No-That isn't going to work for me this year.
If you are a caregiver don't add on more than you can handle. Your family will understand if you want to let go of one of your holiday traditions and if they don't understand- that my dear is their problem. Take care of yourself and you will be an amazing caregiver to be around during the holidays. Wouldn't you like a happy caregiver caring for you?
If you need help figuring out how to best care for a loved one email Kathryn
Like many of you I have a lot on my plate. I run my own business and my husband and I are the primary caregivers for his mom who is 87. There isn't a lot of extra time when you are caring for an aging parent! Several years back I decided to let go of the things I didn't like to do and embrace the things I enjoy.
So out the window with decorating!! No tree, no wreath and a whole lot less stress! I kept the holiday baking because to me that part is fun. But Thanksgiving Dinner- we are going out this year. Yes I will miss some of those favorites but I won't miss the stress. Embrace the things you like to do and let go of the rest! It's okay to say No! No-That isn't going to work for me this year.
If you are a caregiver don't add on more than you can handle. Your family will understand if you want to let go of one of your holiday traditions and if they don't understand- that my dear is their problem. Take care of yourself and you will be an amazing caregiver to be around during the holidays. Wouldn't you like a happy caregiver caring for you?
If you need help figuring out how to best care for a loved one email Kathryn